Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

9 Ergebnisse.

Tu ne seras plus mon frère

Blanchard, Christian (1959-....)
Tu ne seras plus mon frère

Syrie, 2011. Kasswara et Kamar, deux frères franco-syriens, sont inséparables mais leur complicité éclate avec le printemps arabe. L'un devient rebelle tandis que l'autre soutient le régime, seule la haine les unit désormais. Seine-Saint-Denis, 2020. Florence Dutertre est psychiatre et prend en charge les enfants de djihadistes français mais un homme semble déterminé à le...

CHF 14.30


Blanchard, Christian

En octobre 1980, Jefferson Petitbois, jeune Noir de 17 ans, est condamné à la peine capitale. Incarcéré à Fresnes, il attend et se remémore les faits. Suivant les conseils de son protecteur et mentor, Max, il a dit la vérité aux policiers, aux juges et aux jurés, mais la sentence de mort est quand même prononcée.

CHF 12.50

Prayer: God's Most Valuable Tool

Blanchard, Crain
Prayer: God's Most Valuable Tool
Can you see the coming storm? Pray. Crain Blanchard is a licensed minister and Christian blogger. He has ministered the Word of God in homes, hospitals, small groups, and churches, including his home church. Crain has served as an elder, associate pastor, and minister and goes where God leads to share His Word. When he began with God forty-two years ago, he wanted to know who He was and to be able to talk to Him. Prayer is communicating with God.

CHF 22.50

El secreto

Blanchard, Ken
El secreto
En esta nueva edición de su clásica fábula de negocios, Ken Blanchard y Mark Miller se convierten en el corazón de lo que hace que un líder sea exitoso

CHF 19.50

The Most Loving Place in Town

Blanchard, Ken / Hodges, Phil
The Most Loving Place in Town
The Most Loving Place in Town is the story of two men, a disillusioned church elder and a gifted young pastor, who recognize that their church has lost sight of its number one priority: loving God and each other. They begin a search, independently at first, to recapture their lost love and then together lead their fellowship in a successful discovery of the secret to becoming a beacon of love in their community.

CHF 20.50

Servant Leader

Blanchard, Ken
Servant Leader
The bestselling author of "The One-Minute Manager" reveals the meaning of servant leadership modeled after Christ. Readers seeking to grow as leaders and business executives will find "Servant Leader" nothing short of life changing.

CHF 20.50

The Generosity Factor

Blanchard, Ken / Cathy, S.Truett
The Generosity Factor
In the tradition of the bestselling book The One Minute Manager, authors Ken Blanchard and S. Truett Cathy, entrepreneur and founder of Chic-fil-A restaurants, present The Generosity Factor---a parable that demonstrates the virtues of generosity.It's the story of a meeting between the Broker---a young man on his way up the corporate ladder who has the illusion of success, yet deep inside feels insignificant---and the Executive---the CEO of a v...

CHF 14.50